Here's a dump of pictures I took during my Chuseok vacation. I'm too lazy to narrate all this so just drink it in with your eyes.
I awoke Chuseok Day to this traffic jam outside my apartment. It stretched as far as I could see in both directions. Everyone is heading north, away from the city. In the evening I saw its mirror image--everyone heading south, back in to Seoul. |
This was going on outside Seoul Station. I'm too lazy to visit Google Translate and try to figure it out. |
A clean, modern-looking train! |
The inside is like a plane's first class cabin. |
This is what Korea looks like from a train platform. The banner on the left advertises Bible Expo 2010. |
This mural is painted outside a school. I was amused by its token black man. |
Local garden: ugly. |
Yep, it's real: designer clothes marketed as an indianesque return to nature. |
This is Songtan Station, but all the stations I passed through look exactly like it. Hideous. |
The "Clean Zone" outside the station is ironically filthy. |
This is a busy 5-way intersection, underneath an overpass, with very bad sight lines and little illumination: dangerous! The overpass also provides shelter for a small market. |
After being told by the Canadian embassy that I'm too weird to be given a passport, I visited a museum that has a scale model of Seoul inside! It's kind of neat. |
The model includes subway stations. The northeasternmost one is Hagye, which is 4 stops south of my home station. My area is so far away from the parts of the city that matter that it doesn't rate inclusion in Model Seoul! |
Seoul's foreigners aren't all white Americans teaching English. Part of Itaewon is home to Africans, Arabs, Pakistanis, and other Muslim types. They've even built a mosque! |
This sort of infrastructure clusterfuckery tells you the Islamic part of town is low-rent. |
I believe it's called the Seoul Central Mosque. |
Wandering near Dongdaemun I saw this thing. |
It's Dong Shin Presbyterian Church! |
I needed dice for my after-school class on Monday, so I hit up Dongdaemun's legendary toy alley. I eventually found dice, but it took a while. This place is chaos. |
Toy Alley also has many stationery stores, some containing hilarious Engrish. |
Definitely do not ask a Korean what this is about. You're far better off reading about it in Wikipedia. |
Gwanghwamun station is very retro chic. |
I hope this is an ad for a place that sells duvets. |
Admit it, you're enjoying a juvenile laugh. Don't be ashamed. |
Subway art: What connects the black shopper, naked runner, two modern dancers and construction worker? Presumably, the subway. |
A public service announcement. Youth keepers, your days are numbered! |
This subway car is almost at capacity. |
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